Data specialists are more in demand than AI experts
8/6/2024 2:31 PM

DAX 40 job analysis: Data specialists are more in demand than AI experts by a large margin

Companies rely on IT specialists to make use of large amounts of data in order to make well-informed decisions, optimize processes and gain a competitive edge. This is reflected in the high demand for , specialists in the fields of data and AI - even in DAX 40 companies. In total, we have found 606 open positions in Germany-based companies for positions such as data analysts, data scientists, AI software engineers and AI specialists. These findings were discovered in our analysis of job postings, which we conducted with our  B2B AI Gieni.

Significantly more vacancies for “data jobs” than “AI jobs”

Of the 606 vacancies, 474 were for positions for data specialists and 132 for AI-related professions. The demand for data specialists is therefore almost 260 percent higher. Accordingly, data jobs account for 91 per cent of job vacancies in the two researched specialist areas at DAX 40 companies. The focus of the hiring of DAX 40 companies therefore seems to be more on the area of "data" and less on "AI".

However, this is not the case for all companies: at Daimler Truck, the ratio of Data to AI professions is quite clear: here the focus is on AI jobs at 75 per cent, at VW it is 67 per cent, at Infineon 53 per cent, at SAP 52 per cent and at BMW 51 per cent. By contrast, the situation is balanced at Adidas, Continental and Vonovia, where just as many data and AI specialists are being sought.

BMW and E.ON are looking for the most data and AI experts

With 72 vacancies, BMW is currently looking for more support in the areas of AI and data than any other DAX company. The car manufacturer has advertised almost the same number of positions in both areas: 35 for "Data" and 37 for "AI". E.ON follows with 48 vacancies, with a clear focus on data with 45 positions. Zalando is in third place with 47 vacancies, 43 of which are for data jobs.

In contrast, Porsche and Sartorius currently have no need for data and AI specialists. Of their total of three and 30 vacancies respectively, none are in these areas. Qiagen, Symrise, Covestro, and Bayer also appear to be focusing less on data and AI at the moment or already have hired enough specialists in the company. Each of these companies is only looking for one person in the area of data.

Data analysts are the most sought-after

The most sought-after IT and data specialists at the DAX 40 companies currently are Data Analysts: We found 117 advertised vacancies - 18 of them at BMW, 14 at Allianz and 11 at E.ON. Data Engineers are in second place with 95 vacancies. Zalando and Deutsche Bank have the greatest demand in this area, with 14 vacancies each. E.ON follows with ten vacancies. Coming in third place are the 73 Business Intelligence Analysts being sought. Deutsche Bank leads the way in this area with 17 vacancies, followed by Deutsche Börse with seven.

The first AI professions follow in seventh and eighth place: A total of 37 AI Specialists and 33 AI Researchers are being sought at the researched companies. The demand for AI specialists is highest at Mercedes-Benz and SAP, with seven and six vacancies, respectively. AI Researchers are particularly in demand at BMW (14 positions), followed by Siemens and Porsche (four positions each).

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